Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Stress and College Students

As you welcome home your child from college for the summer listen to what they are saying or maybe what they are not saying. More and more college students are suffering from depression. This is a time in life when many young people are diagnoised with bipolar disorder. If you are at this site then you probably know what bipolar disorder is or think you know how it presents itself. Well, in teens like in children depression and bipolar disorder can look a little different so read on. Some of the red flags to watch for are a college student who doesn't want to get together with their friends when they come home. They choose instead to spend time alone. They sleep later than usual or choose to lounge around, not getting dressed or going out. At first, as a parent, you may think your child just needs some time to relax, but we are talking about teens. They seldom take time to relax when they can be with friends they haven't seen for a while or out doing something fun. So before you brush off symptoms of irrability or isolation take a closer look. Don't be afraid to talk to your child and ask them if they are depressed or feeling different. They may not be able to give it a name, they just know that they don't feel like themselves.

College is a whole new world to most. Even if high school was a breeze and your child is getting good grades they don't have you to fix meals, do the laundry, or make them be home and in bed on time. The stress of college is unimaginable for some and overwhelming for others.

Let your college student know that there is nothing wrong with them. Everyone feels a little overwhelmed or depressed at times and there is help. If you feel the problem is bigger than something you can handle don't hessitate to call a professional. There are therapists that specialize in working with teens and young adults. They know how to help your child feel comfortable.

I know I haven't been writing much lately, but my professors have sure been getting a lot of writing out of me. Being an overwhelmed student is something I am very familiar with. My biggest issue is my own children telling me that I am not spending enough time with them. I would like to say that I will be blogging more in the summer, but I am continuing to take classes so there won't be anymore time available than during the regular school year.

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