Friday, April 30, 2004

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Most of you who are visiting this site probably have a good idea what it is like to be bipolar or love someone who is. For those of you who just happened along by chance let me tell you about a mental disorder that is far more prevalent than you could ever imagine. Bipolar disorder also known as Manic Depression affects over 2million adults in the United States. What is more startling is that up to 3.4 million children and adolescents in the United States have this disorder. There is a good chance that you know several people who suffer with bipolar disorder and you have never noticed. That's because once treated with the proper medication these people can go on to lead a normal life that is relatively free of symptoms. The important part is being diagnosed and receiving the correct medication, which can be the most difficult part. Bipolar disorder is not simply depression, nor is it simply the extreme, energetic highs, but a combination of the two. In children it often presents differently and for that reason is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. Children can begin showing signs of the disorder as early as age two. Some common signs to watch out for are:

Irritable and dysphoric mood.
Mood shifts throughout the day.
Nightmares and night terrors.
Excessive worry/anxiety
Grandiose thinking, believing they can do anything, even fly.
Heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, tags in clothes, feel of fabric, sock nubbies.
Physical aggression, often without provocation.
Excessively talkative, pressured speach
Periods of increased energy, often accompanied by insomnia
Lower frustration tolerance and impatience
Deliberate destruction of property.

You may be saying to yourself, my child has several of these symptoms but our doctor said he/she was ADHD. 91%of bipolar children under the age of 12 will meet the criteria for ADHD and they could have ADHD at the same time. This is what is called a comorbid diagnosis. The difference with bipolar disorder is it is episodic in nature. Your child could be fine one minute and the next fly into a rage over the brand of orange juice you bought. Diagnoses and treatment are extremely important in children. Episodes tend to worsen in children without proper treatment. School can become a nightmare and suicide is a real possibility. When bipolar disorder is undiagnosed and treated as ADHD only the medication can cause a child to enter a manic state. I can't stress the importance of finding someone who will properly diagnose your child and put them on the proper medication. The National DBSA website can help you find a qualified physician in your area.

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