Sunday, January 08, 2006

Update from Texas

I am sorry that my content has been lacking again. I got an email from my brother ( he just couldn't imagine that with all the changes in my life lately there was nothing to say on my blog. So I guess I better catch you up with my life. We are doing very well in Texas. It is such a change from the mid-west. My son, Jordan, likes school. I never thought I would be saying that. He does not love doing homework, but he is not complaining, fighting, and refusing to go to school. He comes home and tells me that he had a good day. On Friday we got his first report card since we arrived in Texas. He is passing all of his classes; some with C's and B's. Those of you with a bipolar child struggling in the public school system know what an accomplishment this is.

I don't want to lead you to believe that it is all due to a change in environment, but I feel that has a great deal to do with it. I went from having a child that I struggled daily to keep alive to a child that is glad to be alive. I objected to the addition of Lithium to Jordan's medication regime for years because I was afraid of the side effects, but when it was the only option left I agreed to give it a try. The doctor stopped the Abilify and began the extended release Lithium. It was several weeks before we saw any improvement and not until a few weeks after we had moved to Texas. Jordan was on the Lithium for about 8 weeks before I noted any improvement so I don't know if all the credit should go to the medication or the move to Texas. Whatever the reason I will accept the change. I have a child who laughs again, he likes his life and he has a wonderful and funny personality. The difference is night and day.

I realize that the ups and downs will continue; I am not naive when it comes to this disorder, but I will gladly take the good that I am offered now and regain my strength for the possible bad that could be to come. Until I know if it is the Lithium or the environment...God Bless Texas.