Sunday, June 20, 2004

Teen/Young Adult Group To Meet Tuesday.

There will be a meeting of the newly formed Teen/Young Adult Support group at Porter-Starke, Valparaiso on Tuesday June 22 at 6pm. I hope if you are a teen or young adult you will join us there to share your experiences. You can help others while you help yourself.

Friday, June 11, 2004

The Caring Place- Caring For Battered Women and Men

Mary Beth Shultz of The Caring Place was our guest speaker on June 2nd.

The Caring Place is a shelter that offers housing, advocacy and counseling for those who have been physically, sexually or emotionally abused. They serve Porter, Lake, and Starke counties in NW Indiana. They are also involved in training Police officers to be more sensitive to the crimes of domestic violence and sexual assault. Ms. Shultz shared some startling facts with us. 60% of all the woman killed in the US are killed by men who tell them that they love them. 30% of battered women have been raped by their partner. 75% of abused women report their children have been physically or sexually abused by their batterer. Children raised in violent homes often grow up to be abused or be abusers themselves.

Not all abuse is physical. Emotional abuse can involve playing "mind games", making the victim think they are crazy, humiliating them, promoting feelings of guilt, isolating them from friends and family, controlling all money and transportation, and threatening them with having their children taken away. Verbal abuse can be just as devastating. Name calling and verbal threats can hurt as much or more than the physical assaults. The one thing all these forms of abuse have in common is that they are all about CONTROL. One person trying to exert their physical, mental, or emotional control over another.

There are three distinct phases of abuse.
Phase One: Increased tension, anger, blaming, arguing, name calling, and guilt.
Phase Two: Battering, hitting, slapping, kicking, choking, use of objects or weapons, sexual assault/abuse, verbal threats and mental abuse.
Phase Three: Calm stage, apologies, gifts, tears, and promises that things will change.

The Caring Place is notified in each case of suspected domestic or sexual abuse. They contact the victim within 24 hours to offer support and assistance. The Caring Place will provide shelter, legal assistance, group and individual support and counseling. There is no charge for any of these services. You can stay at the caring place and they will help the victim attain a job, a new residence, and a life free of abuse.

Many women stay in abusive relationships because they are afraid they can't make it on their own, but most women do very well once they are out of the shadow of abuse. Abusers can be anywhere. They can be professionals, white or blue collar workers from any race, ethnic background or financial bracket.

The bottom line is NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ABUSED. The Caring Place can help. They won't tell you what to do or make decisions for you, but they will give you options and support. If you need help call the 24-hour Crisis Line.
for any other counties in Indiana call:

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Teen/Young Adult Group To Hold First Meeting.

We hope we will see you on Tuesday June, 8th if you are somewhere between eleven and twenty something for our new Teen/Young Adult support group. We are really excited to finally be offering this group after talking about it for so long. Join us at Porter-Starke Services in Valparaiso at 6pm, 601 Wall St.